Charges – answers from the universe

Ever wonder what the universe says about:

Charges - answers from the universe

The answers would amaze you!

 Do you know:

  • how to bring out the best in people?
  • the mechanics of success?
  • about the holding place of dreams?
  • what the echoes of your thoughts tell you?
  • the distinction between want and will to be?
  • what your purpose is?
  • what causes sadness?
  • how to reverse a poisoned mind?
  • the best place to be?
  • what forgiveness really is and why you need it?
  • what rebellion is and how to overcome it?

And that’s just a start to the kind of information you will find in Charges – and in a uniquely written way!

CHARGES – answers from the universe

“Charges is highly recommended for the visceral outpourings of a creative, sensitive human being’s feelings about life – a provocative and moving collection that deserves to be read again and again.”



Charges is a collection of provocative reverential and powerfully written words that embrace and stir one to take responsibility for their own life and happiness through awareness. Every since these lines of text and conceptual drawings flowed forth onto paper in front of me, they have been my titanium when I find myself between a rock and a hard place – be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

They are an inspiration to many, dealing with life, society, and physical health; they comment meaningfully on life’s joys and pleasure, its rewards and bittersweet moments. As a collection filled with love, hope, direction, and most of the other true feelings one experiences in life, this work provides an incredible opportunity to raise one’s emotional level to soaring new heights.

For two decades they have proven over and over to be a solid truth – and not just for me; other people have found them to be enlightening, powerful, inspiring, gems, and soothing – to quote a few. So, it is with this intensified vision that you will be lured down the multi-faceted avenues of the human spirit, as the universe reveals itself in a way that will appeal to every lover, idealist, realist, and pursuer of a higher life.



Remember to allow

Yourself now

It is your time

To bear

A fruit of your own

And you will know

What kind of tree

You are

And that is called

Your truth.



  1. Roty: Says: Reach out to yourself
  2. Sif: Says: The spirit is free
  3. Princess Pillow: Is a young lady whose crown is soft like a pillow and not sharp metal like most people. She always seems surprised to see the truth right in front of her.
  4. Miss Faerie Lady: Watches over all with love and pride.
  5. Bawbay: Says: Blow bubbles any way you want
  6. Adorna: Shows there’s never too much adornment when it represents true inner beauty
  7. Tacme: Often feels overwhelmed by responsibility
  8. Melorda: Shows we need to take control of our own life and be responsible for our own happiness

Ridiculously Simplified Synopses

  1. Never fear…the universe is here. Where? Inside you of course! Where did you think?
  2. Who says you don’t get great answers by talking to yourself?
  3. How do you save luck on a string?
  4. Not 1 or 5 or 10, but 54 Steps to Personal Transformation.

Personal Request


Please share a quick moment out of your busy schedule to take a peak inside and leave a review on Amazon’s site.

Your thoughtfulness will go a long way to helping create the history this book was meant to create.



The mysterious and often cryptic answers in CHARGES that revealed the truth within once hidden from my consciousness are recorded here verbatim, as channeled in their free verse form and most revealing artwork. In all its purity, the universe offers no blame, no judgment, and no why; just a view of the aspects in life that affect us so deeply.

Today, many of the messages written here are echoed in prominent teachings of many renowned spiritual masters and gurus – further evidence of a timeless truth and synergy. I believe we all have great universal knowledge in each of us and it’s up to each of us to reconnect with our inherent truths.

While reading CHARGES, you will notice two symbols and two types of text formatting:

  1. § with regular text, which represents my new insight into how I truly felt and what I truly thought about things in my life past and present, and
  2. ∞ with italicized text, which represents a new view and suggestions that the universe has introduced into my consciousness.

Beyond Writing CHARGES

With my new awareness tool, I had created a bridge that linked the right and left hemispheres of my brain – I was connected to my inner universe. Now, with that link in place and without further need of the tool, I forever have access to information wherever it lies – in a truly expanded consciousness. I can also now ask a question when confronted with a problem or curiosity and the answer will come soon enough in the form of an impression or thought – and always in the spirit of love and guidance. In short: I am always led to the right information and/or people and can always figure things out. And, through these experiences I have a renewed faith in myself.

The other benefit is that I was able to write more powerfully from a conscious level. I could now draw inspiration from a profound and passionate depth of perception – and the affected success of those literary works cannot be understated. I could write poems about love and joy, and even eulogies on behalf of other people and express the exact sentiments that they could barely communicate.

Additionally, I can more fully articulate my own thoughts and feelings with more clarity, conviction and ever-expanding awareness, be it poetry or paragraph. In other words: there was and is much, much more.


I have questions about life just like everyone, especially when things are tough and confusing. More importantly, I need to know how to find those answers myself by whatever means possible.

In the early learning stages on my path to self-discovery I found a technique known as non-dominant hand writing. It was through this method that I could connect to that side of my brain that held many secrets about me – and more so, I could tap directly into previously unknown knowledge of the universe.

As a right-handed person, I was to ask a question about what was troubling me with my right hand in one colour of pen and allow my left hand to answer with another colour of pen. Later on, I didn’t even need to ask a question; I just felt compelled to write with my left hand so that more truths could come out. What I received and perceived was beyond awe-inspiring; it was the most loving and kind outpouring of insight into life situations that were ever expressed in words.

Then, when I realized how much ethereal love was deep inside of me in spite of all of my heart-ache and trauma, I realized even more that it was in everyone else in the world, too – should they choose to look.

§ = new awareness and insight into my thoughts and feelings
∞ = new view and suggestions from the universe

Back Cover

Charges is a collection of provocative reverential and powerfully written words that embrace and stir one to take responsibility for their own life and happiness through awareness. Every since these lines of text and conceptual drawings flowed forth onto paper in front of me, they have been my titanium when I find myself between a rock and a hard place – be it physically, emotionally, or  spiritually.

They are an inspiration to many, dealing with life, society, and physical health; they comment meaningfully on life’s joys and pleasure, its rewards and bittersweet moments. As a collection filled with love, hope, direction, and most of the other true feelings one experiences in life, this work provides an incredible opportunity to raise one’s emotional level to soaring new heights.

For two decades they have proven over and over to be a solid truth – and not just for me; other people have found them to be enlightening, powerful, inspiring, gems, and soothing – to quote a few. So, it is with this intensified vision that you will be lured down the multi-faceted avenues of the human spirit, as the universe reveals itself in a way that will appeal to every lover, idealist, realist, and pursuer of a higher life.

§ = new awareness and insight into my thoughts and feelings
∞ = new view and suggestions from the universe

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